Wednesday, February 27, 2013

White Kyurem EX Full Art -- Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card Review

White Kyurem EX Full Art Pokemon Card Boundaries Crossed
Pokemon Card Overview:
Today's Pokemon Card Review is of White Kyurem EX Full Art from the Boundaries Crossed Pokemon Card Set.  White Kyurem EX is a basic, EX, dragon type Pokemon card with an hp of 180. It has a x2 weakness to dragon type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a three colorless energy card retreat cost.  White Kyurem EX does not have an Ability but it does have two moves.  The first move it has is called Dragon Stream, this move requires three energy cards, two colorless and one fire, and does 60 damage, plus if you get a heads when you flip a coin you may attach an energy card from your discard pile to this Pokemon.  White Kyurem EX's second move is called Ice Burn, this move requires four energy cards, two fire, and one each of water and colorless, this move does 150 damage, however you must discard two fire energy cards attached to White Kyurem, but this move does burn the defending Pokemon.

Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, since White Kyurem EX is a basic Pokemon with no evolutions, you only have to use this Pokemon in your deck if you want to use this card.  Just a reminder, since this card is an EX card, if this card is knocked out, your opponent will get to take two prize cards instead of one.  Like the White Kyurem card from this set, the EX version is pretty slow, so you'll want to keep this card on your bench and attach at least four energy cards to it.  Make sure to use this card in a water and fire type deck.  Definitely try and keep this card on the bench until it has at least three energy cards on it, that way when you move it into the active Pokemon spot you can start attacking right away by using Dragon Stream.  The more energy cards you get on this card the better, if you put 6+ energy cards on this card, you will be able to use Ice Burn two turns in a row without having to attach additional energy cards to White Kyurem EX.  So my strategy would be to get a ton of energy cards on White Kyurem EX, move it to the active Pokemon spot, use Ice Burn as many times as you can, then use Dragon Stream when you don't have enough energy to use Ice Burn.  Because White Kyurem EX uses so many energy cards, I would make sure to only have one of these cards in a deck and to have a good number of energy cards in your deck and a good way to get them into your hand quickly so you never run out.

Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 4 out of 5 rating.  In my opinion, this is an above average EX Pokemon card that I would include in any dual type deck out there that had fire and water type Pokemon.  The only things I don't like about this card is that it is slow, has a high retreat cost, and is an EX card.  Other than that, this card has a high hp, two powerful moves, and will definitely knock out Pokemon very quickly.  With that being said, I prefer Black Kyurem EX over White Kyurem EX in this set, even though they don't use the exact same types of energy cards.  You really can't  go wrong with using either of these EX cards in your deck.

Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of White Kyurem EX Full Art from the Boundaries Crossed set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of Rattata, which is from this same set. Make sure to check below for the Free Pokemon TCG Online Codes!

Free Pokemon TCG Online Code Cards:
Today's Quiz for a Pokemon TCG Online Code Card --
What was the new type of trainer card released with this set?
Please respond by including the correct answer and a link to your YouTube channel.


Maçaneta Redonda said...

Ace Spec.

Unknown said...

ACE spec card,Trainer card that provides powerful effects.

Unknown said...

Ace Spec cards, and there can only be one Ace Spec card in a deck, these cards have a powerful effects.

Unknown said...

Ace spec

Unknown said...

Ace spec cards


Daniel Fermo de Oliveira said...

ACE SPEC cards, which you can only have one-of in your deck and usually provide an unique and powerful effect.

Anonymous said...

Ace Spec

Unknown said...

Ace Spec

Methyy said...

Ace Spec Card is the new trainer card :)
Methy AU

JWLim said...

Ace Spec cards, where you can only have one in a deck.

Youtube Username: Jwern1994
Channel Link:

kadetoster said...

ACE spec. card

Unknown said...

Ace Spec

Unknown said...

Ace Spec is the answer

Niki said...

The anwser is Ace Spec.

qwart said...

Ace Spec cards


tvOBT said...

ACE Spec

sambhav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PrimetimePokemon said...

Congrats to Niki for winning!

LusterousLugia said...

Nice artwork i really love kyurem